It is a complete photo documentation system using a patented photo scale design to reduce the subjectivity in wound photographs. Our system is color-coded to size and conforms to the curvature of the body. This leads to reduced liability to the facility, so the facility can defend the medical record. It also enhances communication to improved patient care.

We recognize that no two people photograph the same, whether its the camera positioning or placement of the scales, our system standardizes the wound photography regardless of the photographer’s skill set. You can even use a simple inexpensive point and shoot camera. It is used in both healthcare and forensic industries.


6 Scales in one product (4 linear scales, area scale, and perimeter scale)

360 scaling helps address the problem of camera positioning. It keeps the wound in perspective so you see what the wound looks like at the time of the assessment. Rulers and L-rulers do not address the curvature of the body. They are insufficient.  Ring adheres to body's curvatures


If the photo is slightly out of focus, you can still see the color code.The photo is not a total liability.

The KISS Rings allow the photographer to take a quality picture rather than juggling the scale and the camera at the same time. As the numbers becomes more difficult to read, given distance from camera, you can still see the color of the rings.The area is still scaled.


The color-coded bars make it easier to determine the size of the wound in the photograph.

The ruler and scales are in the same plane as the wound. The bars help to highlight the contours of the body. Take a quality photograph without juggling the camera and the scale. If the camera is slightly out of focus and the numbers are not visible in the picture, the color-coded bars are still visible scaling the wound.


Tell A Story. Present the evidence using the markers.

No more misplaced photos or calls asking where the closeups belong on the body. 
Different colored markers highlight unique wounds, patterns, and create contrast on different skin colors.

1.  Assign a number to every wound. 2.  Create a map of the wounds. 3.  Photograph the map on the body. 4.  Keep your photographs organized. 
5.  Speed up your assessment.


The KISS System adhesive note label streamlines critical information necessary 
for medical recording including patient information, body location, employee identification and wound size.

The KISS System adhesive note label streamlines critical information necessary 
for medical recording including patient information, body location, employee identification and wound size.